Governor Laura Kelly appointed Cindy Volanti, Manhattan, to the Workers Compensation and Employment Security Boards Nominating Committee.“People who are injured at work, employers, health care providers and insurance carriers in Kansas all deserve timely, impartial...
Governor Laura Kelly appointed Buddy Sell, Wichita, to the State Use Law Committee.The State Use Law Committee works to advise the Kansas director of purchases on issues surrounding the purchase of products and services that are provided by blind or disabled...
Governor Laura Kelly appointed seven members to the Kansas Military Disability Review Board.The review board determines the percentage of total disability and awards compensation for members of the Kansas National Guard or the Kansas State Guard in cases of disability...
Governor Laura Kelly appointed Hazel Lougene Marsh, Shawnee, to the Reach Healthcare Foundation Community Advisory Committee.The committee is a governmentally-appointed advisory body that identifies and nominates candidates to serve on the REACH Healthcare...
Governor Laura Kelly appointed Kimberly Kramer to the State Board of Technical Professions.“The State Board of Technical Professions does very important work. Kansans deserve to know that their homes, offices, roads and bridges are safe to use,” Kelly said. “Kimberly...
Governor Laura Kelly appointed Keith Stevens and Dr. Nancy Snyder to the Wichita State University Board of Trustees.“Students, professors and administrators in higher education deserve to know that university funds are managed appropriately,” Kelly said. “Keith and...