Kelly and Denning host bipartisan Medicaid expansion discussion with Wichita community leaders

Governor Kelly named President of the Council of State Governments

Governor Laura Kelly recently was named 2020 National President of The Council of State Governments (CSG).“It’s an honor to serve as CSG president this year. The Council plays a valuable role in bringing together elected leaders from both parties to facilitate...
Kelly and Denning host bipartisan Medicaid expansion discussion with Wichita community leaders

Governor announces appointment to the 911 Coordinating Council

Governor Laura Kelly appointed Brooks Wederski to the 911 Coordinating Council.The Council monitors the delivery of 911 services in Kansas, develops strategies for future enhancements to the 911 system and distributes available grant funds to public safety answering...
Court of Appeals Nominating Commission announces three nominees for Court of Appeals vacancy

Governor announces appointment to the Kansas Banking Board

Governor Laura Kelly appointed Justin Nichols to the Kansas Banking Board, subject to confirmation by the Senate.The mission of the Board is to administer its statutorily delegated powers and duties in promoting competitiveness, financial stability, safe and sound...
Court of Appeals Nominating Commission announces three nominees for Court of Appeals vacancy

Governor Kelly signs first bill of 2020 Legislative Session

Governor Kelly signed Senate Bill 155, which would deannex all City of Valley Center territory within the Hillside Cemetery District, located in Sedgwick and Harvey counties, from the cemetery district, effective June 30, 2020.More information on this bill can be...