Office of Appointments Survey We appreciate you taking the time to help us improve the Appointment Process for the Governor’s Office. Did you find the appointments staff to be professional and helpful throughout the application process? Yes No If you selected No, please take a moment to let us know how we can improve.Did you find that your questions/concerns were answered in a timely manner? Yes No If you selected No, please give us suggestions on how we can improve.Did you find the online application easy to use? Yes No If you selected No, let us know what issues you had with the application process.How would you rate your overall experience and satisfaction with the process? Excellent Good Fair Poor If you rated your experience as Fair or Poor - please share your reasons for the rating so that we may improve the process.Additional CommentsPlease feel free to share any additional comments or ideas about how we might improve the process. (1000 char. max.) Stay Informed. Subscribe to our email newsletter. Subscribe Now