Kansas Boards and Commission

Kansas-Colorado Arkansas River Compact Commission

Statute:                                   K.S.A. 82a-520

Governor Appoints:              3

Number of Members:          7

Length of Term:                    Not to exceed 4 years

Frequency of Meetings:      Generally once a year; Special meetings of the Compact Administration are held occassionally and                                                      normally average one or two per year.  Some of these are conference call meetings.

Pay/Compensation:              No

SSI Required:                         No

Senate Confirmed:               No

Website:                                  Click Here

The mission is to settle existing disputes and remove causes of future controversy between the states of Colorado and Kansas concerning the waters of the Arkansas river and their control, conservation and utilization for irrigation and other beneficial purposes; and equitably divide and apportion between the states of Colorado and Kansas the waters of the Arkansas river and thier utilization as well as the benefits arising from the construction, operation and maintenance by the US of John Martin Reservoir Project for water conservation purposes.

Statutory Requirement:                                                                         Term Expires:

Public member                                                                                             10/31/2018

Public Member                                                                                             10/31/2018