The second meeting for the Governor’s Council on Tax Reform concluded this afternoon. The bipartisan group of experts, representatives and stakeholders are performing an in-depth study of the state’s current tax system.

The meeting began with a budget update, an overview of 2019 tax legislation including discussion on Senate Bill 22 and history of Tax Conformity and State Conformity Issues.

During the first day of the meeting, three lawmakers presented on tax policy: Representative Steven Johnson, Senator Tom Holland and Representative Jim Gartner.

Today, Dr. Donna Ginther, professor of economics at the University of Kansas, offered analysis on tax policy from the 2019 legislative session. Secretary Burghart from the Department of Revenue provided an update on Notice 19-04 and the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Wayfair as it relates to a remote-sellers tax.


Among other topics discussed by the Council:

  • 62% of Kansas taxpayers make less than $50,000 yearly.
  • Food sales tax: only Mississippi has a higher sales tax on food than Kansas, and Kansas is one of only 14 states that tax food.
  • Tax breaks given to low-income individuals would be spent and put right back into the Kansas economy.


Future meetings of the Council in 2019 are set for Nov. 14 and Dec. 3-4. Opportunity for public comment will be available at the November date.

An interim report by the Council is planned for December 2019, in advance of the 2020 legislative session. A final report is due in December 2020, in advance of the 2021 legislative session.

For more on Governor Kelly’s executive order establishing the Council, its membership, and presentation materials: