The second meeting for the Governor’s Council on Medicaid Expansion concluded this afternoon. The bipartisan group of policy experts, community leaders and stakeholders is studying Medicaid expansion from the 36 other states that have expanded to determine the best version for Kansas.

The meeting began with Cindy Mann, partner at Manatt Health, who presented information on the national overview of the Medicaid expansion population. The occupations with the largest number of workers covered by Medicaid are service workers such as cashiers, nurse and health aids and retail salespersons.

Hemi Tewarson, director at the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, gave a brief overview of Section 1332 waivers, the way they have been implemented in states and how they interact with Medicaid 1115 waivers. 

The Council is tasked with identifying three to five guideposts or goals for responsible, sustainable expansion in Kansas. The Council will supplement the legislative work that is already underway.

The Governor’s Council on Medicaid Expansion’s next meeting is ­­­­Dec. 12.

For access to the handouts, slides, Executive Order and other materials, go to: