On May 13, 2021, the Kansas Legislature passed House Bill 2196, which includes an enhanced My Reemployment Plan (MRP) program designed to help unemployed Kansans reenter the workforce.
Claimants who do not participate in the program may have their benefits suspended under the new state law. The Kansas Department of Labor (KDOL) encourages individuals who received notice of their participation in the program to complete the requirements immediately in order to prevent a disruption in their benefits.
The program, developed in collaboration with the Kansas Department of Commerce (KDC), KDOL and KANSASWORKS Workforce System, connects unemployment recipients with workforce service professionals in their area.
The program began June 1, 2021 and requires claimants who have received three (3) continuous weeks of unemployment to complete the following actions:
- Upload/build a resume at KANSASWORKS.com or provide work history
- Complete the online job search (including the O*Net Interest Profiler) attached to the email/included with the mailed information.
- Complete the Job Search Plan and email completed form to the Kansas Department of Commerce at MRP@ks.gov
KDC has notified a group of claimants included in MRP and will continue to notify additional claimants as they become eligible. Failure to complete all items within seven (7) days of receiving KDC’s instructions may result in denial of unemployment insurance benefits. Claimants who do not comply may have their benefits continued or reinstated upon showing compliance to KDC or good cause to KDOL.
To assist claimants who are receiving benefits the following services will be provided from KANSASWORKS, free of charge, personalized job search assistance, including:
- Creation of a personalized My Reemployment Plan that focuses on goals and accountability.
- Skills assessment to match interests and skills with occupations.
- Resume, interview and networking assistance.
- Labor market information highlighting current in-demand jobs.
Any questions regarding this program should be directed to the KANSASWORKS.com Live Chat. For additional support, contact your local Workforce Center at 877-509-6757.