Why Kansas conservatives should embrace Medicaid expansion

Kansas Reflector

Greg Graves, Chair for The University of Kansas Hospital Authority and the former CEO of Burns & McDonnell

August 24, 2020

Key Quotes:

  • I urge the Legislature to be the voice of our people. Support access to quality care for Kansans across our state. Now more than ever, as we face a global pandemic, every Kansan needs health care. Missouri’s vote showed support across all perceived borders — rural and urban, Democrat and Republican. We can do the same.”
  • “With expanded Medicaid coverage and less uncompensated care, hospitals and clinics throughout our state will be able to focus critical resources on evolving patient needs. Medicaid expansion will bring hundreds of millions of our federal tax dollars back home to Kansas, creating jobs, aiding our economy, supporting our hospitals and improving the health of Kansans.”
  • “Unfortunately, we are becoming far too accustomed to politics taking precedent over health care and science, and I believe we are better than this. If you’re an economic conservative like me, there is no better return for our tax dollars. If you’re socially moderate, also like me, there is no better use for those dollars.”

Read the Full Editorial Here
