Today, Governor Laura Kelly announced that applications are currently being accepted for the Community Service Tax Credit Program (CSP).

“The Community Service Tax Program helps local nonprofit and healthcare organizations improve the health and economic wellbeing of their communities by streamlining their fundraising efforts,” said Governor Laura Kelly. “This program will encourage local solutions to local problems and improve the quality of life for Kansans now and into the future. Good luck to all that apply to this exciting initiative.”

CSP assists private nonprofit organizations and public healthcare entities in undertaking major capital campaigns for projects involving:

  • Children and family services
  • Non-governmental crime prevention
  • Youth apprenticeship
  • Youth technical training
  • Health care

Under this program, the state authorizes nonprofit organizations to offer tax credits to donors making contributions towards approved projects. Organizations are chosen through a competitive selection process. The application window is open through April 30, 2021 at

Proposed projects should be unique or one-time in nature and create a lasting value for charitable organizations. For example, projects might include a capital campaign, major equipment purchase, major renovation, capacity building, etc.

As was the case in 2020, CSP has earmarked $1 million for childcare and early childhood development projects for services to those under the age of 5.

“These tax credits are an incredible opportunity for our state’s nonprofit organizations to create unique, meaningful changes for the people they serve,” Lieutenant Governor and Commerce Secretary David Toland said. “Tell us about your initiative, and if it’s a good fit for the CSP program, we’ll provide this significant resource to help make it a reality.”

Applicants may request up to $250,000 in tax credits. Applicant organizations in rural areas (less than 15,000 population) are eligible for a 70 percent credit. Applicant organizations in non-rural areas are eligible for a 50 percent credit.

CSP is administered by the Community Development Division in the Department of Commerce. More information on the program, guidelines, and application process may be found online here.

About the Kansas Department of Commerce

As the state’s lead economic development agency, the Kansas Department of Commerce strives to empower individuals, businesses and communities to achieve prosperity in Kansas. Commerce accomplishes its mission by developing relationships with corporations, site location consultants and stakeholders in Kansas, the nation and world. Our strong partnerships allow us to help create an environment for existing Kansas businesses to grow and foster an innovative, competitive landscape for new businesses.

About the Community Development Division

Established in 2019, the Community Development Division at the Kansas Department of Commerce exists to improve quality-of-life in communities across the state through various programs and services. The Kansas Department of Commerce understands the immense role played by strong communities in economic development and prioritizes investments in people and communities as major contributors to the overall strength of the Kansas economy. To learn more, visit the Community Development page at the Kansas Commerce website.