Governor Laura Kelly today announced appointments to Kansas state boards and commissions.
Citizens’ Utility Ratepayers Board
This board provides efficient and effective legal and technical representation for residential and small commercial utility ratepayers and to ensure that utilities are allowed to charge only just and reasonable rates to Kansans.
- Carol Barta, Manhattan (at-large member)
- Leilani Grey, Topeka (CD2 member)
Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training
The Commission may suspend, revoke, or deny the certification of a police or law enforcement officer who fails to meet the requirements of the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Act or has met such requirements by falsifying documents or failing to disclose information required for certification. Provides accredited instruction, which is required for permanent appointment of full-time police and law officers.
- Sherri Schuck, Westmoreland
State Fair Board
The purpose of this board is to promote and showcase Kansas agriculture, industry and culture, to create opportunity for commercial activity, and to provide an educational and entertaining experience that is the pride of all Kansans.
- John Leslie, Lawrence (NE KS Extension District member)
The Unemployment Compensation Modernization and Improvement Council
This council was established by House Bill 2196. The purpose of this council is to examine and recommend changes to the UI system and work in coordination with the Secretary of Labor to develop a strategic staffing plan to address substantial changes in numbers of claims, including the prospective use and sources of additional employees.
- Jake Miller, Kansas City (Employee rep)
- Shawana Woods, Kansas City (Employer rep [from General Motors])
Workers Compensation and Employment Security Review Boards
The nominating committee shall meet as needed to provide the workers compensation and employment security board of review appointing authorities with nominees for appointments to the position of: Workers compensation administrative law judge; workers compensation appeals board member; and employment security board of review.
- Liz Maisberger-Clark, Carbondale (Self-Insurers seat)
- Monica Vargas-Huertas, Wichita (Sec. of KDOL designee seat)