Governor Laura Kelly today announced appointments to Kansas state boards and commissions.
Kansas Volunteer Commission
The Kansas Volunteer Commission prepares a national service plan for the state; ensures outreach to diverse community-based agencies; administration of certain grant programs.
- Ben Jones, Sterling
Physician Assistant Council
The mission of this Council is to advise the Board of Healing Arts regarding issues involving physicians’ assistants.
- Ann Gates, Wichita
State Board of Accountancy
The State Board of Accountancy purpose is to license and regulate certified public accountants (CPA’s). The Board of Accountancy is a regulatory body authorized to carry out the laws and administrative regulations governing CPA’s. The board is disciplinary and has the authority to conduct investigations.
- Jeffery Bottenberg, Topeka (reappointment)
State Board of Mortuary Arts
The purpose of this Board is to ensure that licensees engaged in the practice of embalming perform their professional services in a manner providing maximum protection of the health, safety and welfare for the people of Kansas.
- Amy Elliott, Lenexa (reappointment)
- Phillip Ziegler, Dodge City
911 Coordinating Council
The 911 Coordinating Council monitors the delivery of 911 services, develop strategies for future enhancements to the 911 system and distribute available grant funds to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs)
- Jacqueline Brown, Alma (reappointment)
- Josh Michaelis, Lyons (reappointment)
- Mark Tucker, Andale (reappointment)
- Nick Robbins, Wellsville (reappointment)
- Patrick Fucik, Lenexa (reappointment)
- Sherry Massey, Salina (reappointment)
- Troy Briggs, Sublette (reappointment)