With Memorial Day approaching, Governor Laura Kelly reminds Kansans to enjoy the holiday weekend with safety in mind.
COVID-19-related guidance and requirements related to gatherings are outlined in the Governor’s reopening plan, and reflect her decision to move Kansas into a modified version of Phase 2 of the plan, starting Friday. The plan and additional safety guidance can be found at covid.ks.gov.
“The Memorial Day weekend is one of the first holidays of the year when people want to get outside and enjoy the weather, and spend time with their families and friends,” Kelly said. “But no one should use this as an excuse to ignore health and safety guidelines.”
The following is allowed on Memorial Day, according to “Ad Astra: A Plan to Reopen Kansas”:
- Have a gathering in your home with 15 or fewer individuals, not including those you live with.
- Use your backyard pool for any parties, so long as mass gathering restrictions are met.
- Have a drive-through parade, so long as no more than 15 individuals are outside the car and they are able to maintain social distancing.
- Go to a restaurant with your friends and family, so long as that business meets the necessary health and safety requirements.
- Engage in outdoor activities at parks or other public spaces, so long as social distancing and mass gathering requirements are met.
Here’s what you can’t do on Memorial Day according to the “Ad Astra” plan:
- Hold or attend an in-person fair, festival or parade.
- Use community, public and other non-backyard pools for parties or gatherings.
- Go to bars or nightclubs.
- Have ceremonies or gatherings that violate the mass gathering limit of 15 or more individuals when a 6-foot distance cannot be met, except for infrequent or incidental moments of contact.
Additional health tips include:
- Stay home if sick
- Practice social distancing whenever possible
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
- Cover cough and sneezes into an elbow or tissue
- Wear masks (especially in places where social distancing is difficult to maintain)
- Stay home if you or a loved one is considered high risk.
For those having parties or gatherings this weekend:
- Have cleaning supplies readily available
- Avoid using buffets and other self-service food stations
- Have individuals with gloves and masks serve food
- Avoid punchbowls or other communal drink stations
- Use disposable plate and utensils if unable to constantly clean dishes
- Plan outdoor activities rather than indoor ones
- Practice social distancing and maintain ventilation through your home by opening doors or windows if engaging in indoor activities.
For more information on health and safety guidance, or to see Governor Kelly’s reopening plan, visit the Kansas COVID-19 Response and Recovery website.