Commends Acting Secretary Goossen for public service

Following through on her commitment to build a strong, highly qualified cabinet, Governor Laura Kelly announced today DeAngela Burns-Wallace as her choice to lead the Kansas Department of Administration.

“I’m pleased to have DeAngela Burns-Wallace on board to lead the Department of Administration,” Kelly said. “Her extensive experience and diverse qualifications will be vital to this agency. I look forward to continuing our efforts to increase transparency of contracts and improve state government.”

Burns-Wallace currently is the Vice Provost of Undergraduate Studies at the University of Kansas. Previously, Burns-Wallace was Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies at the University of Missouri. She also served as fellow at the American Council on Education in Washington, D.C., for an emerging Leaders Fellowship in 2013. She earned her B.A. in International Relations from Stanford University, her M.P.A in Public Policy & International Affairs from Princeton University and a doctorate in Higher Education Management from the University of Pennsylvania.

“I am honored to be selected by Governor Kelly to serve the people of Kansas as Secretary of the Department of Administration,” Burns-Wallace said. “I look forward to working alongside her team to build on the progress of the last five months. Kansans are depending on us to work on their behalf.”

Current Acting Secretary Duane Goossen will step down June 7, 2019. Goossen was secretary of administration for Governors Sebelius, Parkinson and Kelly, and budget director for Governors Graves, Sebelius, and Parkinson. He also worked on the Kelly Transition Team.

“Duane was an integral part of our efforts to rebuild our state and improve morale among state employees,” Kelly said. “I can’t emphasize how important he was to this agency, as well as the state as a whole. I thank him for his friendship and service to the state of Kansas.”

John Yeary, currently with the agency, will operate as acting secretary starting June 7 until Burns-Wallace becomes acting secretary on July 1. Burns-Wallace is to be submitted to the Senate Confirmation Oversight Committee during interim and voted on by the full Senate in 2020.