Governor Laura Kelly today announced Lauren Fitzgerald as the new Press Secretary for the Office of the Governor.
“I’m pleased to have Lauren step up into this role,” Kelly said. “She’s been by my side from the early days of the campaign, and has proven to be a strong contributor on the communications team. I’m glad to have her continue serving our state as Press Secretary.”
Previously, Fitzgerald served as Communications Coordinator for the Office of the Governor. Prior to joining the Governor’s Office, Fitzgerald served as Finance Coordinator on the Laura Kelly for Kansas 2018 Gubernatorial campaign. She was working as an assistant to a talent agent in Los Angeles at Buchwald Talent Agency when she decided to head back to her home state to join the Kelly campaign and efforts to help rebuild Kansas.
“I’m honored to continue working for the governor,” Fitzgerald said. “This state has always meant a lot to me and I can think of no better way to serve the people of Kansas.”
Fitzgerald received a B.A. in Film and Media Studies and a B.A. in English at the University of Kansas. She’s from Topeka, KS.
Fitzgerald Contact info:
Cell: (785) 581-4730 (preferred)
Office: (785) 368-6580